What is fashion to you?

It’s very rare to start my first post with the above question but this question is frequently asked and I guess leaving it blank would just make me look dump or give me nightmares. To me, fashion is another place where I can hide from society and be myself. The guilty thing about me is that I love to be independent and have nobody in my personal space.

The first time I started sketching was for a simple project (Personal Project) and as  performer I might have chosen dance but I wanted to explore something new just to change who I am? and what I am missing? Through my experience this was not only a Journey but a lesson that I should consider using in life. The more I got close to finding what fashion meant to me? The more I began taking risk and playing around with what people might have called Trends. I don’t believe in Trends but Style because everybody is different and come from different backgrounds. I am here to show style and how to show yourself or describe yourself through style. Everybody as I said has a different style and I love knowing and seeing that.

” I guess if you read my pervious blog you would known by now that I love effects meaning I love color! “

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